Do not trust yourself – trust Jesus!
Mandela Effects & connecting the dots
Date: 2019-09-07-0001a
0502 COVFEFE and POTUS Trump vs. deceptive lying media
Basically POTUS Trump came back from an overseas trip, used the Arab word COVFEFE which means “to stand with”, then Google and the lame stream media wiped it from existence on the world wide web, to make him look stupid, that he did not know how to spell coffee. Google went as far as to remove it from their Arabic translator.
Google has made it almost impossible to find a picture of Mr. Donald Trump saluting the flag with his hand over his heart.
I originally wrote to Mr. Trump in 2011, asking him to run for President Of The United States because I knew he was not a traitor. I have since found out his family’s ties to the USA go back before even 1776.
Mr. Trump was flying/hanging a big beautiful USA flag on his Florida property about 2010. All the snowflakes passing by on the water in their $1,000,000+ boats and ships were getting triggered and offended by it. He told the zoning board in a polite way to stick their heads where the sun does not shine, that he would flag his flag whenever he wanted, and that it was not against the law. That anyone could flag the USA flag anytime they wanted, if they objected they could sue him, and that he was NOT taking it down for any reason.
I have thought about that for the past 8+ years WAY before Mr. Donald J Trump ever ran for POTUS, while putting out my own flag.
Google and the Lame Stream Media removed that story from the web.
BTW: Thank you POTUS TRUMP for saying you were going to paint Air Force One a different blue, you think much larger then I do. It had me smiling for a long time.
So, here is the word COVFEFE explained so even DemonOrats can understand. Though I doubt traitors such as Bernie Sanders, Obama, and Killary (aka JezeBaal) can grasp the concept of loyalty to family and country.
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John Brown
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